Understanding Your Washoe County Real Property Assessment Notice

If you are homeowner in Washoe County, it is once again time to review your Washoe County Property Assessment Notice. This notice will arrive in the mail and can easily get lost in the hustle of the holidays, especially with all of the holiday cards and packages. In this blog, I will highlight the basics of what a Property Assessment Notice is and where you can find out more information on this topic. I have also included a link to my interview with Chris Sarman, Washoe County Assessor, for his expert insights.
What is a Property Assessment Notice?
A Property Assessment Notice is an official document sent to property owners by the local government or assessing authority. Its primary purpose is to inform property owners about the assessed value of their property for tax purposes.
The Property Assessment Notice plays a crucial role in the property tax system, as it serves as the foundation for determining the amount of property taxes a homeowner is required to pay. Property owners should carefully review these notices to ensure accuracy and understand how changes in assessed value may impact their tax obligations. If there are concerns about the assessment, property owners typically have a specified period during which they can challenge or appeal the assessment.
The office of the Washoe County Assessor mails assessment notices to the property owners of Washoe County to inform them of the proposed taxable and assessed value of the real property on the tax roll for the next fiscal year pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute.
Where can I learn more?
Washoe County residents are encouraged to visit the Washoe County Assessor's website for more details. Be sure to visit the Understanding Your Value Notice page. They also have a helpful PDF available to download that outlines the information you will find on your Assessment Notice.
For more insights, please watch my video with Chris Sarman, Washoe County Assessor, as we help homeowners understand the ins and outs of this crucial document. The topics that we covered last year are still relevant today and include assessed values, property and improvement values, tax cap values, and the appeal process if you disagree with the assessment. Please take the time to click and watch this helpful video podcast here:
Property owners need to be aware of the local rules and procedures regarding property assessments to ensure they are informed and can take appropriate actions if needed.
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The Angst Real Estate Team is the top real estate authority in Northern Nevada and is always available to answer your real estate questions. Send us an email or call/text at (775) 525-0309 for a free, no-obligation consultation. Be sure to also like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel. The Angst Real Estate Team is the top real estate authority in Northern Nevada. Our channel is the place to go when you're looking for information about our dynamic and diverse Reno/Sparks Real Estate Market. We frequent video podcasts about important topics that matter to our Reno/Sparks Real Estate Tribe. Let's embark on this real estate journey together!
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All information is subject to change. Please visit the Washoe County Assessor’s website for the latest details.