Reflections on our Little League Journey

This month Washoe Little League celebrated its 65th Opening Day of baseball. Incredibly, I have had the opportunity to coach seven of those 65 years now. While coaching baseball is a lot of time and effort, it has been a rewarding experience to work with so many kids and their families over the last seven years. We have met and made so many friends at the park that we can't go anywhere in Reno without knowing a kid or a parent.
Throughout the numerous seasons, my good friend Jason and I have dedicated ourselves to coaching our sons' baseball teams. With each of us having two boys of the same age, it has been a special journey witnessing their growth and development on the field. However, in the past couple of years, we have focused on coaching our younger sons, allowing our older boys to showcase their skills in the Majors Division under different mentors. This season marks the final chapter for our eldest sons as they will bid farewell to Washoe Little League. Starting from T-ball, these boys have conquered six different levels, including a challenging season disrupted by the pandemic. Their Little League experience has been nothing short of exhilarating, filled with cherished memories playing together and representing on All-Star teams. As we eagerly anticipate their performances this year, we reflect on the invaluable lessons they have learned about baseball and themselves throughout their journey in Little League.
As for our younger boys, Jason and I are still coaching them in the Triple A division this year. Both of our younger boys have four more years of eligibility in Little League, so we plan to be out there coach for several more years. Our teams are never the best team at the beginning of the year because we allow all the boys to play all positions to get some experience and develop them. Allowing our players to all play equally and develop makes our teams dangerous towards the end of each season. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Click on the image below to watch the drone video I created to capture this year's Washoe Little League Opening Day. Enjoy, please consider liking our video and subscribing to our channel.
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